Getting all your products sold out online is no problem if you know how to play your cards well.
Many of us are probably into one sales or the other and we are all trying to find for ourselves a space online and also potential customers who wouldn't just want to know the prices of our products but also want to buy.
Whatsoever service it is that you render, can earn You alot of cash from clients online if you do your marketing well.
Onething we all get wrong is our believe that all we need to do is to get online, post a thing or two for sale and expect calls to roll in. No! It doesn't happen that way.
You need to meet some criteria, you need to be ready and be good at your marketing.
In this article I will be discussing some key things you need to be conscious of when marketing your products online and how to make people Buy them.
Let's get started!
1. Who is reading?
This is one best place to start from. When I say who is reading, I mean who are those seeing your products that you are offering for sale.
If you are using a facebook, Whatsapp or Instagram, you need to run a check on your friends list.
Are those you have there possible potential customers?
You cant have much of family members, close friends and old time friends on your list and expect to have a good sales.
You need to go for new faces, add up new people, people who need what you sell.
It is not just having a long contact list, a long facebook friends list or thousands of instagram followers but are these people the right customers for your products?
You need to join relevant groups that associate with what you sell, find a decent way to communicate what you sell to the people in there.
2. Use the right Imagery
As a business owner tying to put your products or services out to people, you need to understand the power of pictures or images.
People are always attracted by images, a good image can make people read a long text.
You must be sure that if people see your image representation of what you sell, they will be forced it check it out.
You can get a good graphics designer to work for you and make you good designs for your products and services. Let that call your customers and watch the magic happen.
3. Work on your profile :
You need to understand that no body wants to throw their money in the air by buying from someone they do not know online.
This is why you first need to change your profile picture to a good picture that tells a good story or gives a good impression about you at a glance.
This is what some people look at first when they want to do business with you.
You can also put a good graphics of your products or services.
Delete all former pictures that doesn't look proffessional or speak well.
You need to also watch what you post to your status... This is all applicable to facebook, whatsapp and Instagram.
Don't become a clown on you profile just to make people happy, be modest and also control your tagging.
Don't let people tag you in irrelevant things that then show on your wall, also watch what friends post on your wall.
4. Describe your products well :
You don't need to write an epistle to describe your product or services but if you are doing it in few lines, let it be done perfectly.
Let your few lines tell your readers all about your product or services. Be exact and convincing.
Digest this little piece and we can talk about how to convince your customers when they inbox you to make them buy.
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Tnx an eye opener, can I know more pls?