Making money in this 21st century doesn't have to be about you going to work very early in the morning and getting back at night.
The 7am to 7pm Job mentality is not a thing everyone must adhere to. There are millions of ways through which we can make money from the comfort of our room without stepping out.
I believe you have a whole lots of people as friends on your facebook account that always have something to sell or a service to render and trust me they are making their money real well.
Take it or you leave it, Facebok is one of the largest online communities in the world giving you the chance to add up not less than 3000 friends to yourself.
Now imagine yourself posting a picture on facebook and you get upto 100likes, 200likes etc which means your friends are active and seeing what you post.
Don't you then think it is high time you stopped wasting your data and start making money with your Facebook account and friends?
You need to understand that those that make money from facebook don't have two heads, they are human like you and me but their ability to think outside the box has dinstincted them.
1. You can create a facebook group and add people to it and start teaching them what you know how to do well.
There was a time I pitched a tutorial on a facebook group and added as much people as I could to it. The tutorial was on how to create a blog and make money from it.
I made the tutorial run for two weeks, so I made the first week free and I thought them how to create a blog for the first week.
Now I made it known to them that the second week will be for how to make money from the blog you have created and to participate in the second week lecture, it is 2000naira per head.
Do you now see that I have attracted them with a one week free class and now know one wants to know how to create a blog and not know how to make money from it, so the started paying.
Those that did not pay were removed from the group. When some of them came back to me with questions while trying to create their own blog, I asked them to pay to complete the lecture so they will learn all. So can you see how I rolled in 100k plus within a week?
Yes u also think about what you can teach and follow that step to monetize it on facebook.
2. You can also get into facebook marketing. This is the real Bae.
You can promote products and services for People on facebook. Let them pay you to promote their products and services for them.
All you need to do isn't much, just post it on your timeline, give a fe
w friends to also post it to their timeline.
Go and join lots of facebook groups, post their too like once a day so you won't be ejected for spamming.
You can also create a facebook page and have a marketing brand.
Maybe "Day Advert Agency "
When people come to you for advert you can just put it on your facebook page and promote it. The person might pay you 20,000naira for promotion and you can use 5,000naaira to boost it to about 8,000 views on Facebook. It's all about being smart.
3. You can also sell things on facebook.
You can get into bag sales, shoe sales, sandals, executive chairs, interior decoration, web or graphics design etc and let people see what you do.
Package it with good pictures and post it to your wall or timeline and can let friends do it for you.
When you get orders, you charge delivery bills and make your money.
So making 30,000 is just an understatement, if you come up with greater ideas or follow these ones I gave, you will earn great on facebook.
If you have additions and questions, youse the comment box and don't forget to share too.
I need u to throw more light on this topic
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