Maybe I should say you are lucky to have found yourself on this blog reading this post today and If you are a regular reader of this blog, then I must say you are getting addicted to success.
In my blog post today, I will be talking or rather dealing with bloggers. Those who are interested in making money through fiverr can read my post on it.
It is a pity that most bloggers today has fully depended on adsense as the only way they can monetize their blog and therefore sees no other way they can make money on their blog.
I am sure you must have read lots of articles on this same topic but guess what, I will be giving you the latest version of blog monetizing powered by dailyguide.
To my greatest surprise after so many findings, I have discovered that there are numerous ways to make money from your blog and here today on this single page, we will be killing everything.
You have invested in your blog
• You spent money getting a domain
• You have spent money Hosting it
• You have spent of Fb Ads or anyother type of advert and so on
It is therefore impossible that you won't get a return on your investment.
In a very short but comprehensive lines below, I will discuss with you about 6 Ways to monetize your blog professionally.
1. Use Your Niche :
Only few out of many are opened to this mind blowing secret. You must have read lots of articles on niche choosing before starting a blog. It is the importance of it we are about to discuss.
Every niche carries its uniqueness and its own monetary strategy. So to make money from your blog, you can do that with your niche.
For example on my business blog here, I consult for people, I draft business plans for people, I write proposals and do feasibility report for people. My niche is making me the money.
If you run and entertainment blog, you can promote songs for people and get paid real well.
If you run a news blog you can make your visitors subscribe for complete daily news delivered to their mail at just 200naira per week. Imagine having close to 30 subscribers, that's 6000naira per week, I can help you convert the card to cash.
If you run a tech blog,you can open a shop on your blog where you help people fix things. You do special explanation, if it is an online problem, fix it and get paid. You can also use the news bloggers strategy.
2. Do Reviews :
If you don't know how to write reviews or make money from it then you need to read this.
Take it or you leave it, one of the latest money making secrets of pro bloggers is review. There are companies who want you to review their products, many companies are ready to pay well as long as you have got what it takes.
3. Throw a Contest :
Now this is where I must say if you are not a blogger, click here to read something else.
Why I said this is because this is a secret for bloggers alone.
Now you must note that if you will do this, you must have an amount to invest. This is it.
You will throw a contest related to your niche with no fee attached but an amount to win. Like soonest on dailyguide, I will throw a contest on proposal writing.
The best will get to win 8,000naira while the second 6,000naira and the third 4,000naira.
This will be free, real and attractive that by the next time I will be doing it again and attach a price of like 1000naira, if 200 to 500 people apply, I can reward winners conveniently with good amount of money and have a cool gain.
Think about it.
4. Sell E-books :
You must know that each niche has got its own audience and they all have a need they desire to be met.
It is then your own duty to think so well on what the need of people might be, relating to your niche. This will help you come up with a very good idea and topic to write on.
If you are clueless, you can check my over 30 money making Ebook topics. It should help you.
Having known this, compile your book and sell it. This guide might help you get huge sales.
5. Do Sponsored Posts :
This will be a great advantage to you if you have good traffic and comments.
You can approach organisations and private businesses to let them know you can boost their visibility and aid their awareness.
Be well package and sure. Spell out what they stand to gain and nothing else.
Make sure your price is reasonable and can be reckoned with.
You can reach companies via mail. You can contact us to help you write them to consider doing. Sponsored post on your blog
6. Do Subcontracting :
I have always said that you don't need to know about a job before making money from it.
Find people around you who are good in certain things and negotiate with them.
You can meet a web designer, a real estate agent, a graphics designer and so on.
Just design a banner for each job and place on your blog, some of your visitors might see and be interested.
When they contact you, you also contact those that will do it and put your commission.
That's all. Lol...
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