How To Make Money Online Selling E-books In Nigeria

May I start by clearing this misconception that only bloggers are opportune to make money from ebooks sales.

Everybody can make ebooks and earn from it, all that is needed is value.

Let's begin ~

What are E-Books ?

E-Books are electronic books in the form of PDF. It makes an integral part of information marketing business. Just like a physical book, E-books can cover any kind of topics in all walks of live.

A typical example is the first E-book I launched, I took time to compile the ideas s it was for university students on How To Make Money In Higher Institution. The information in the eBook are very useful to those who want to make money in higher institution.

Reasons Why Should you Should Sell eBooks Online?

There are thousands and one reasons why you should sell eBooks online. Here are few reasons;

• You need money.

• People are looking for information to solve their daily problems.

• There are existing buyers of eBooks in the market

• Delivery is easy through emails or download link

What Type of E-Books Should I sell Online ?

The best type of eBook you should sell online is the one that provide real value to the buyers. What I mean is that the information contained in the eBook should do what it was meant for and not to deceive or trick the buyers.

Like I said earlier, eBooks can be in any topic ranging from business to daily tips, health, blogging tips etc.

Where to Get eBooks to Sell Online in Nigeria :

There are many ways you can get your eBooks to sell. I will explain…

1. Write your E-Book :

You can choose to write your own eBook on any topic that interest you. This is good if you really understand the topic that you want to write on.

Forget about the jargon, simply write the information in Microsoft Word and turn is into PDF and sell.

2. Hire Someone To Write E-Book for you :

If you cannot write your eBook yourself, you can hire a freelance writer to write for you. Just tell them your topic and your areas of interest and they will write the eBook for you. The cost of hiring a freelance writer may be exorbitant anyway.

3. Use PLR E-Books:

 PLR means Private Label Right.

These are E-books that you can buy from somewhere and resell to others without being penalized.

This right give you allows you to edit and sell the eBook as if you are the one who wrote it.

How to Sell Your eBooks Online

There are many ways to sell your eBooks online if you have them. For me, I decided to create a sales page(landing page) for my eBook stating the benefits of the product ton my potential buyers. Do you have an eBook already? If yes, you can hire me to create a sales page for you.

There are many ways to sell your eBooks online.

» You can sell your eBooks directly on your blog by allowing your buyers to buy your ebook online using their ATM card. But for me, I prefer a phone order.

» You can also create a blog for your eBook. This will help you to attract other blog readers to see your products.

» You can sell your eBooks on per-existing online stores such as Amazon, Clickbank, Konga, Jumia stores.

» You can create a page on facebook, put your ebook and target the right audience.

Making money selling ebook is no big deal, all you need to do is go then right way. 

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